Date and time
From 12/09 to 12/09
2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
A group of artists working with different dance modalities simultaneously occupies the same space, introducing viewers to different styles, including ballroom dance, urban dances, and flamenco. The audience can walk around the area, experimenting several choreographic genres and creating a multiple landscape. Featuring Patfudyda, Panorando Cia., Adriana Bilbao, Mad Feeling Crew, Beach Black Samba-Rock and Cia Etra de Dança.
Patfudyda is a choreographer, performer, and visual artist. She holds a degree from Escola Livre de Artes da Maré (ELÃ) and Escola de Artes Visuais Parque Lage, and her works have been shown in several international festivals and institutions. She has won the ImPulsTanz—Young Choreographers Award (2022). Upcoming Legendary in the Ballroom culture, she collects Grand Prizes and historical moments in the category Runway. Internationally renowned for promoting the Brazilian Runway, she teaches classes and practices and speaks publicly, bringing to the world the unique Brazilian walk.
Panorando Cia e Produtora is a performance collective interested in the intersections between cultural expressions, theatrical performance, and dance. Established in 2016, it brings together alumni of different art courses from Manaus, holding events and shows including As Cores da América Latina [The Colors of Latin America], awarded the 34th Shell Theater Prize in the category National Highlight. The group has shown its work in several Brazilian states, including Amazonas, Rondônia, Pará, Pernambuco, Ceará, Minas Gerais, and Mato Grosso.
Adriana Bilbao’s dance is marked by more traditional flamenco, but her interest in refreshing herself has led her to experiment other choreographic codes. In addition to her work as a creator and dancer, she manages a dance creation factory in Bilbao side by side with D8 Sorkuntza Faktoria.
Mad Feeling Crew is an urban dance group, and breaking is the style they are most connected to. The group was born in Paquetá, a neighborhood in Santos where most of its members were raised and some of them still live today. The group’s first contact with breaking was a breaking cypher in Gonzaga, where Bboy Adaão had his experience with the dance. The crew practices on the street and in public spaces.
Beach Black Samba-Rock is a project connected to Instituto Hip Hop e Artes founded in 2022 by the dance teachers and coordinators Eron Moura and Otávio Trindade. Born from the desire to bring the Black music culture of charme and passinho to the Santos area, they teach dance classes and hold dance meetings. The project aims to foster the hip hop culture, promoting and taking part in cultural and educational projects and events in general.
Cia Etra is a group founded by Ariadne Fernandes and Edvan Monteiro Jandé Kodo, artists trained at the Colégio de Dança do Ceará, in Fortaleza. The company was born in Ceará and is now based in São Paulo, exploring different artistic languages, supported by a profound theoretical and practical research. In more than 20 years, it has created a vast production of shows, performances, videodance festivals, and performative installations, taking part in numerous theater and dance festivals and exhibitions, and teaching several artistic residencies, workshops, and courses across Brazil.
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