Duration: 120 minutes
in-person activity
Place: Auditório Sesc Santos
Free access. Limited seating.
Date and time
From 11/09 to 11/09
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
A conversation circle between artists, thinkers and art makers, where the audience is invited to sit and interact with the discussion. The idea of the meeting is to formulate propositions for the future based on the guests’ creative practices, thoughts, and actions. The space also aims to provide an exercise of listening and sharing. Con Francy Baniwa, Hanna Limulja, João Turchi, Maurício Lima e Paula Aros Gho. Mediators: Cristina Moura y Márcio Abreu.
Francy Baniwa is an Indigenous woman, an anthropologist, photographer, writer, and researcher of the Baniwa people, Waliperedakeenai clan. Born in the Assunção community, Lower River Içana, in the Alto Rio Negro Indigenous Land (São Gabriel da Cachoeira, AM), she conducts work and research in fields including Indigenous ethnology, gender, Indigenous organizations, traditional knowledge, memory, narrative, photography, and audiovisual. She has a teaching degree in Sociology from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), holds a master’s degree, and is pursuing a doctoral degree in social anthropology at the National Museum of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGAS-MN/UFRJ).
Hanna Limulja is an anthropologist, a supporter of the Indigenous cause, and a professor at the Intercultural Indigenous Teacher Training Course of the Insikiran Institute of the Federal University of Roraima. She has been working with the Yanomami since 2008 and has worked with NGOs in Brazil and abroad, including the Pro-Yanomami Commission (CCPY), Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), Wataniba, and Survival International. She is the author of the book O Desejo dos Outros – Uma Etnografia dos Sonhos Yanomami (2022), a result of her doctoral research (UFSC), and the children’s book Mari hi – a árvore dos sonhos (2023), both published by Ubu Editora.
João Turchi is a director and playwright, with a master’s degree in theater from the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP). With the group MEXA, he has directed and written works including Quanto mais ensaia, pior fica, Pumpitopera Transatlantica, and A última ceia. With grupo cinza, he wrote Stories to be read aloud—the play, Privacy Policy, and others. He was the playwright of Festa de Inauguração and Se eu falo, é porque você está aí, directed by Francis Wilker, with Teatro do Concreto. In Brazil, his works have been featured in festivals including Bienal Sesc de Dança, MITsp, and MIRADA. Abroad, he has performed at Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels), HAU and Sophiensaele (Berlin), Teatro do Bairro Alto (Lisbon), and Kampnagel (Hamburg), and others.
Maurício Lima is an actor and performer. His authorial work creates tensions over ethnic-aesthetic matters related to contemporary and peripheral Blacknesses, memories, fabulation, and performance.
Paula Aros Gho is a performing artist with a degree from the University of Chile and a master’s degree from Dartington College of Arts (United Kingdom). Her research is focused on exposing the copresence of audiences, artists, and spaces. To this end, she aims to develop playwriting that includes spatial, territorial, and social contexts, as well as the biography of the cast. She is currently the director of the Theater School of Universidad Mayor, in Chile.
Cristina Moura is a contemporary artist, theater director, choreographer, performer, and cast trainer. She has collaborated with several directors and choreographers from Europe and Brazil, including Alain Platel, Àngels Margarit, João Fiadeiro, Enrique Diaz, Emilio de Mello, Pedro Brício, Lia Rodrigues, and João Miguel. Since 2003, she makes her own creations moving across languages and formats. Her shows have been recognized in tours and award nominations.
Marcio Abreu is an artist, director, and playwright. He created companhia brasileira de teatro and conducts research and creates works involving the languages of theater, performance, audiovisual, and dance. He was nominated to and won several awards for his creations, and his plays have been translated to French and Spanish. He was the curator of the Curitiba Theater Festival and of three editions of the Midrash Theater Festival in Rio de Janeiro. He conducts several training activities in Brazil and abroad.
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