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Ecology – Pantanal, the world’s largest wetland with a remarkable biodiversity, lies in the central-western Brazilian States of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. The farming and the cattle raising activities have had a profound impact on the region because of its fragile ecosystem. The rapid expansion of mono-cultural production – cultivation of soybeans and cotton – to deforested areas has had devastating ecological consequences, such as increasing erosion that contributes to silt up rivers. Besides, the waters from these rivers are polluted with agro-chemicals and toxic substances used by miners, though gold mining activity has been declining due to government regulation and controls.

Foreign trade – The Brazilian micro and small-sized enterprises have a very little participation in the country’s exports, in spite of being responsible for 60 per cent of offers of jobs and 42 per cent of salary volumes. They are faced with difficulties, such as lack of governmental support, deficiencies in planning, etc. To remove these barriers they are working together on integrated sector projects or on consortiums. But, in order to make their presence felt in the international market, these companies need a credit policy according to their reality.

Humour – The relaunching of "Almanhaque para 1949" is a homage to one of the most irreverent wit and satirist – the Brazilian journalist Aparicio Torelly, the Barao de Itarare. A controversial figure, the Barao has exerted a strong influence on several generations of Brazilian humorists.

Health – Many hospitals in the country have been investing in humane programs for people-caring, allowing patients the chance of getting a better care when they are admitted to these institutions. As for the children the presence of the family and the playtime activities help them make a quicker recovery and, therefore, shorten the period of their hospitalization.

Pollution – In the Baixada Santista, located on the south coast of the State of Sao Paulo, waters from rivers and sea show a high level of contamination by substances from the local industries. Though the emission of pollutants has diminished greatly in the last few years, the accumulation of toxic chemical substances on the sediment harms the poorer population who depends on the fishing and collecting animals living in the mudflat, as well as it puts at risk the consumption of this food.

Photography – A photography course catches the interest of minor delinquents, kept in the Febem (Foundation for the Welfare of Minors), in Sao Paulo. They have produced a photographic record of their everyday life, unveiling what most attracts their attention.

Theater – In Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo children theater play companies are having considerable difficulty in getting sponsorship and stages to perform their productions. Even so many plays for children reach a wide audience and show that it is not necessary a large investment to achieve success.

Urbanization – Candido Malta Campos analyses the urban expansion of Sao Paulo, the second largest city in the world in population, with 10 million inhabitants, in a voluminous book, as a result of a long nine-year research. According to the author, there is still a long way to go to find solutions.

Politics – In a speech made at the Federacao do Comercio do Estado de Sao Paulo, Leoncio Martins Rodrigues analyses the composition of the Brazilian National Congress in terms of political parties in the last years and the conditions of governance the next president of Republic will have.

Marketing – Creativity vs. knowledge, such is the theme of the speech delivered by Alex Periscinoto at the Federacao do Comercio do Estado de Sao Paulo. In his opinion, creativity, a natural ability that everyone possesses, tends to decline in the middle age at a time when the ability of judgement increases and knowledge widens. Ideally they should run parallel to each other – in this case the human being would be better prepared to deal with problems.

Letters to the editor
